We have members from Aberystwyth to Matlock, Oswestry to Kendal. And we are fortunate to include members across the full range of bookbinding and the book arts, including many internationally known bookbinders. Beginners and amateurs are also well represented, and we welcome new members whatever your level of experience.
We are an active region with a regular monthly meeting, usually a practical hands-on workshop. These take place at Kelsall Community Centre (CW6 0SB) in Cheshire. Our workshops cover the range of bookbinding activities – interesting binding projects, book arts, repair and restoration, as well as specialist bookbinding techniques. Excellent tutors, with experienced members to hand, enable all members to benefit from our workshop programme.
Once regional members have had an opportunity to book, we do welcome bookings from out-of-region members. Non-members may also attend one workshop before deciding if the Society is for them. All participants pay the same workshop fee, currently £30 plus a variable charge for the materials used. Advance booking, and payment is required. Check out our Events Programme, and if you would like to participate in a workshop please e-mail our Programme Organiser Sue Wood. Alternatively, or if the workshop is full, you can attend as an observer for £10, payable on the day.
Workshops are supplemented by occasional visits to libraries and other venues, and usually a Christmas lunch. We also circulate by e-mail a monthly regional Newsletter of news and stories, often including a review of the previous workshop and a preview of the next.
The images to the right show some examples of our regional workshops. Top, paste papers made with Michael Burke; middle, Kathy Abbott’s endbands workshop; bottom, an origata binding created with Glenn Malkin.