Outreach And Education Training Seminar 2023
To be held at Harper Adams University, Newport, Shropshire
From 31st August – 2nd September 2023
Download the Seminar Flyer by clicking here
Download the Seminar Booking Form by clicking here
Update 5/5/23
We have now had sufficient bookings to enable us to put on the interesting Seminar we have arranged for you. It will be at Harper Adams University in Shropshire and will run from late afternoon on Thursday 31st August until 5pm on Saturday 2nd September 2023.
A reminder to those who are still thinking of booking for the Seminar the closing date for booking is 30th June 2023
Thank you to all those members who have booked and also a big thank you to all those members who have taken the trouble to promote the Seminar over the last week or so.
For those of you who might have missed the announcement we have a new speaker. Lori Sauer is unable to be at the Seminar, so Kate Holland is kindly taking her place with an interesting demonstration on Inlays.
The team are looking forward to presenting the first Seminar since 2018 and to seeing you there.
Update 23/4/23
Whilst many members have expressed an interest in the Seminar very few have actually booked.
The closing date for booking a place at the Seminar, with its engaging programme that has been prepared for you, is Monday 1st May 2023. If you are interested, we encourage you to book.
Without sufficient further bookings by 1st May, at last night’s meeting, Council agreed that the Seminar will have to be cancelled and the Society will lose the substantial initial booking fee of £10,000.00, which it can ill afford.
The financial projection for the Society this year is already to make a loss. This comes on the heels of a huge loss sustained last year, not least because every place at the 2022 Conference was subsidised to enable coming together after the pandemic. The Society cannot continue in this way and every event, whether it is central or regional, must, at least, break even.
It would be a great disappointment to the Seminar Team to have to cancel after all the hard work that has gone into its preparation, and we hope to hear from you.
It is five years since we were able to put on a Seminar for you all. Finally we are now able to give you the information about the Outreach and Education Training Seminar to be held at the Harper Adams University from the 31st August to the 2nd September.
Please find below the Seminar flyer with all the information about the venue, travel and the programme, together with a short description of our speakers’ presentations. Also attached below is the booking form.
We hope you will think this is an exciting, varied, interesting programme and look forward to seeing you at the end of August.