The morning will be spent viewing a demonstration of making albumen glaire and embossing blocks, using plastic, plaster and wood, followed by gilding and embossing calfskin in a nipping press, using a variety of materials to achieve differing textures. Other methods of blocking and decorating gilded or embossed leather will be explained. During the afternoon participants will be guided through the process of gilding, burnishing and embossing calf leather and will be encouraged to experiment and consider other methods of using gilded leather.
Materials cost: £18 (includes leather and gold leaf)
Tools list: apron, masking tape, sharp knife or shears, small saucer or suitable container for mixing glaire and bole, brush for applying glaire, small sponge, nail brush (preferably with natural bristles), gold cushion and knife (we may be able to provide if needed – ask when booking!).